Project management


For the activities of a large investor range, we offer management of projects through the “Project Management”, which is a very sophisticated way that guides the client through all the pitfalls and phases of work in cooperation with our experts, which we offer at different stages.

A typical feature of today’s globalized world are dynamic changes, which force organizations to put emphasis on speed of innovation, the quality of the offered products and services and the overall efficiency of the business. Most of the necessary changes has the project nature and requires cooperation within multi-disciplinary teams of knowledgeable specialists, where there is an obvious requirement for effective use of their capacity. This causes that the importance of project management is growing and for many organizations is becoming critical in terms of meeting their strategic objectives. Argeus offers you solutions to your specific projects, problems and goals through ” Project Management”.

Parts of the solution are consulting and implementation services, the analysis of the current state of project management, reengineering methodologies, training, training managers and support the implementation of individual projects. We can see high added value after the subsequent application of services of “Project Management” in a rational, documented and well-balanced composition of the portfolio of your products and services, the existence of clear and transparent rules of functioning. The system will allow you simplified creation of the schedule, completion of projects on time and without exceeding the budget or reducing the scope and quality, efficient use of resources, sharing and tracking current information, reduction of errors and elimination of occurrences needs reworking parts of the projects, settings and update inter-project links, reporting status, the preservation of the experiences and lessons learned from completed projects and their use for subsequent improvement.
